Author: Raja Muneer

As a professional Civil Engineer, I have a strong passion for the field and have been sharing my knowledge and insights through my writing skills for several years. My goal is to educate and inspire fellow engineers and to bring awareness to important issues in the field of Civil Engineering & Construction.

What is a Parapet wall A parapet wall is a short wall built along the edge of a terrace, roof, balcony, walkway, passage, etc. That is to say, The parapet wall is the vertical part of the wall that sticks out over the edge of the roof, balcony, terrace, or walkway to make a barrier. What is Parapet Wall Coping  Wall coping is the protective cap or cover that goes on top of a wall. It is usually slanted or curved to keep water from getting into the wall from above. A coping system is needed if the top of…

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Methods and Uses of Topographic Survey We will talk about topographic surveying in this article. Introduction Topographic surveying is the process of figuring out the locations of natural and man-made features in a place, both on the ground and in the air, so that they can be marked on a topographic map with standard symbols. The shape or arrangement of the earth’s surface is what is meant by “topography.” The main purpose of a topographic map is to show how the terrain of a certain area of land looks in three dimensions. So, a topographic map shows where points are…

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How to use Auto leveling in surveying Different types of leveling are used in surveying to measure the difference in level between two points and a fixed point. It is beneficial in civil engineering construction projects where the levels of different structures must be kept as shown on the plans. Introduction of Levelling Leveling is a type of surveying used to compare the heights of different points on, above, and below the ground’s surface. The basic idea behind leveling is to find the horizontal line of sight. The distances between points (below/above) this line of sight are then measured about this horizontal line of sight. Two…

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